Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Troublemaker Does Not Deserve a Good Score?

Today, i want to write about some shitty thing that happened in my school.
a week ago, we have a try out from school. and the results was announced yesterday.
and i got 94 for english try out. and today, we have english subject. so the teacher came and discussed the results. and, obviously there are three students in my class who scored 94. me, Rizky and Rosa. both of them are a good students. a studious students, they never made any problem.. ah so diligent. and, because of my reputation for being a trouble-maker, class clown, joker, and many others bad things, the f-ing teacher satirized that i have cheated. especially because i and them sat closely. what a pain in the ass!

so, because they are a good students, so they DESERVE a good score. and me as the troublemaker DOES NOT DESERVE a good score? is it what teachers have in their mind? if it's true, so the teachers really-really have a VERY STRANGE THOUGHTS!

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