Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ten LittleChicks-The Members (part 1)

ok, so you must have seen my previous entry. as i said before, i will explain the member of Ten LittleChicks. and, if you STILL curious 'bout Ten LittleChicks, i will write 'bout our history next time. i will explain the "member of the gang" according to the order of the age, starting from the oldest to the youngest.

 The 1st member:
name : Roykedona L. Trixie (me, myself)
nick : Roy, Trixie
DOB : February 18th 1993
zodiac sign : Aquarius
-because this is me myself, i won't explain too much.

The 2nd member:
name : Sharon T.
nick : Chen
DOB : March 2nd 1993
zodiac sign : Pisces
-she is so diligent and brilliant, she gets a good scores in school , she's tall. and the most important is, she has her own "trademark" it's her beauty spot on her face. hahaha and we always making fun of her because of her spot. haha :p

The  3rd member:
name : Sandra I.
nick : tegal, Sandra
DOB : April 12th 1993
zodiac sign : Aries
-she's slow, i mean 'lemot' in indonesian. and i always trick her. she's always deceived by me. haha! imagine, i win 100-1 with her. we like teasing her because of her accent. she talks like a Tegal people, and it's so funny!

The 4th member:
name : Karen A. K.
nick : Karen, Lapciong
DOB : April 21st 1993
zodiac sign : Taurus
-she's funny, like making jokes but it's not funny and she'll mad at us if we're not laughing. she's also temperamental, sometimes she gets angry and nobody knows why. we also making fun of her, like calling her p*g, etc.

The 5th member:
name : Aveline A. T.
nick : Alin, Ave
DOB : April 27th 1993
zodiac sign : Taurus
-she's the strongest among us! wuh! don't you dare messing up with her or you'll get a punch in the face and kick in the ass. she's the scout-girl. an adventure girl. she likes camping and hiking. and psst.. she looks like Steven Seagal.

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