Thursday, June 9, 2011


sedang berperasaan mellow selama beberapa hari terakhir. Dan setelah baca-baca status PM bbm dan twitter orang-orang, tiba-tiba terlintas beberapa kalimat tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan cinta. hahahaha....

"Maybe i am just like you, loving a person without them loving us back. Or maybe they loved us but fate won't allow us together"

"Having you is my biggest wish, but letting you go with the one you love is my biggest happiness eventhough my heart will always bleeding"

"It's hard for you to let go or even forget the one you love, but don't you know i feel the same for you"

"Loving someone who doesn't feel the same way is like using a white crayon on a white paper. It's always invisible"

"I don't know which worse. Loving someone knowing it's going to cause you pain or being in pain because you can't love someone"

Love and Hate

The Thin Line Between Love and Hate

"Sometimes even a very powerful love can easily turn to a very powerful hate"

And vice versa, hate can turn to love. but it's beautiful if hate can turn to love, isn't it? 
But what i'm talking about now is how a great love can turn to a great hate.sometimes we are wondering why does someone hate the other people so intense? Yeah maybe we don't know if that person has a deep love in their past and somehow their love turned to hate.
For me right now i can feel what it feels like. yeah because right now i feel a great hate towards person that i have loved! i have loved this person for about 3 years. yeah i felt a very strong feeling towards this person. but just because a very little reason my love has turned to a great hate. everytime i see anything about this person, my anger comes out. it feels like i want to say : "f*** you!" and it feels hurt too if you hate someone you have loved for a long time.
"a deeper you hate someone means a deeper you have loved him/her"
so be careful if you have loved someone with all your heart, because someday you may be hate him/her with all your heart too
but because there is a thin line between love and hate, someday you will love the person you hate the most too...